
A Cure for Wellness Original Soundtrack 2017【320KMP3】

救命解药 原声碟

作曲家 Benjamin Wallfisch 本杰明.沃菲斯齐

01. Hannah and Volmer
02. Nobody Ever Leaves
03. Bicycle
04. The Rite
05. Feuerwalzer
06. Magnificent, Isn't It
07. Actually I'm Feeling Much Better
08. Clearly He's Lost His Mind
09. Our Thoughts Exactly
10. Volmer Institut
11. Terrible Darkness
12. Lipstick
13. Waiting
14. Zutritt Verboten
15. There's Nothing Wrong with You People
16. Lockhart's Letter
17. Volmer's Lab
18. I Wanna Be Sedated


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