
My Memory of Us Original Game Soundtrack 2018【320KMP3】

我们俩人的记忆 游戏原声音乐

作曲家 Patryk Scelina



1.My Memory of Us Suite


3.The Book Store

4.The Old Mans Story

5.Thief Meets the Girl

6.The Robot Soldiers

7.Kids at Play

8.Family Life

9.Stealing a Cake

10.Robot Army

11.The Boys Rescue

12.Last Moments of Joy


14.Alone in the Bunker

15.Strange World and Robots Parade

16.The Red Folk

17.Robots Pillage the City

18.Robots Mindless Task

19The Girls Rescue

20.Life Behind the Wall

21.In Search of Medication

22.A Robot Disguise

23.Inside of the Robots Ship

24.Escape from the Junkyard

25.Janusz Irena and the Resistance

26.Night at the Ghetto

27.Mission Accomplished

28.A Food Storage

29.Taken by the Flying Train

30.The Train

31.Sabotage and Escape

32.The Trains Engine Room

33.Falling Down! 

34.Fearful Forest

35.Scherzo for Friends

36.Safe but Longing

37.Requiem for the Red Folk

38.Uprising Falls

39.Hiding in Sewers

40.Labyrinth of Pipes

41.Janusz Kept His Promis

42.Fugitives Run

43.Ive Heard That Story Before

44.Friends Reunion

45.Warsaw Ghetto Uprising Tribute (Bonus Track) 


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